Wednesday, May 11, 2011


A lot of times I finish a picture after a sketch because generally I like my sketches a lot better when they aren't stiffened by line art, but this time I decided to just finish a sketch because I ~saw potential in it~. Here's the original sketch:

Anddd the finished product! Reminds me of something wacky off of Spongebob haha. There's me, Kris, Logan and Katt. ALL COOL PEEPS.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Charcoal, My Enemy

I avoid charcoal at all costs because it's just very hard and frustrating to use \8.. But I know I'm going to have to use it at Ringling, so I want to get it down before I get there so I don't embarrass myself in front of my teachers/peers by turning out a bunch of sloppy crap, so..!! I found this black and white photo of Alpacino that wasn't too highly saturated and decided it would be a good reference. This is the final product:

I'd love some tips for charcoal q_q PLEASE.

Monday, March 7, 2011


These are all about a week old, I just got around to scanning a batch of recent art today. Essentially I LOVE huskies. We had one when I was really little, I can't even remember him, but I've seen photos and such and he was so cute. We don't have him anymore because he ran away into the woods behind our old house and was probably killed by coyotes ]: But anyways! I REALLY love them, they're one of my favorite breeds, and it sort of makes me sad when people draw them with big huge eyes and such to make them really cute, when their eyes make them so cute already ;v; SO I just wanted to stick to how they are and spoil you all with husky puppies {;

And then an Erf ;)


Friday, March 4, 2011

"Dear Stephanie,

Congratulations! You have been accepted as a Freshman for Fall 2011 in the Computer Animation program." -Ringling



Let's Do Lunch ;*

I've come to discover that the Oprah Winfrey Network is very good sometimes!! And there's all these shows on animal hoarding and people who've gone a little nuts and stories of people who've had crazy sicknesses and !!! It's a lotttt and I like it so sometimes I just plop on down by the tv with my sketchbook and doodle. And tonight I stayed up extra late watching one of the crazy sicknesses shows while I colored this happy sketch haha.

I felt like drawing something cute and they're cute so it was perfect {:

Friday, February 25, 2011


Colored a doodle from the other day in PSE8, and I think it turned out cute so I'll post it!

Texture is from dA:

Late Night Doodles

Tonight I decided to watch some tv and draw!! So I did, and here's a few of my favorites!

A doodle of Ashlyn. Her body-type has changed a little bit because she used to drink and smoke a ton, and now that she's given that up and has been spoiled by Cyrus, she's less bony and more soft [:.

Levitate is Cyrus' superhero identity, and that's the back-side of his armor because I like drawing backs ;*** and then there's some Ashlyn and Cyrus!! Wonder what they've been up toooooo ;D ;D

INGRID is Ashlyn's housekeeper, but she's basically her mom. She's a lot older than I drew her here, but here's a more youthful looking Ingrid (;

And then we have Lizzie!! An old friend of Ashlyn when she belonged to the wrong crowd of people, and basically Lizzie and her boyfriend are murderers and play a pretty interesting role in the story. So yeah, here's Lizzie :B


Thursday, February 24, 2011

February Figure Drawing

Three times a month on Fridays I take a figure drawing class. I haven't taken one for a while so I was really nervous at the beginning, which is pretty easy to see in the first batch asjfhak. So yeah! I have some 5 second warm-up poses, then 1 minute, 5 minute, 10 minute, 20 minute, 30 minute, 1 hour, and one and a half hour poses.

February 4th (short pose day):

February 11th (regular-length pose day):

Feb 18th (long pose day):

Enjoi~ (8


Jason is one of the many side characters in Ashlyn and Cyrus' story, but his role is about to become bigger! When that happens with characters I generally want to draw them a lot more, and even though I don't always do that, I'm going to try to (B. SO. Here's Jason! A basic introduction to him is: He's a pretty simple, easy-going guy. He gets fairly competitive, he's a hard worker, gets the grades, pretty genius overall. Wants to get into a difficult and rewarding field that would provide a good challenge, otherwise he would be bored. He's generally really sweet and kind right off the bat, not necessarily super shy but he can be when he's a little nervous. Oh, and he's recently become vegetarian.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentine's Day

Some Valentine's Day arts~

You'll probably be seeing a lot more of these guys! They have a hugeeee story that's still in the process of being written, and there's a ton that Molly and I want to illustrate from it. Here's just a little Valentine's Day picture of them getting a bit ~steamy~. They tend to do that ;).
Ashlyn is mine and Cyrus belongs to Molly (:.

And moreee (':

Also in the story is Sahvane, but don't be fooled by the innocence in her face!! She's a little bit of a whore (;.

That's it~


Ringling Portfolio

I'm not really great with intros, but I'm a 19 year old female from Seattle who applied at Ringling College of Art + Design for fall 2011 :} I'm a CA hopeful!
So here's my portfolio~

SO YEAH. There it is! The first and last are both acrylic paintings, the one in the middleish is a digital painting, and the rest are either pencil drawings or marker and fountain pen.

Enjoi~ :j