A doodle of Ashlyn. Her body-type has changed a little bit because she used to drink and smoke a ton, and now that she's given that up and has been spoiled by Cyrus, she's less bony and more soft [:.

Levitate is Cyrus' superhero identity, and that's the back-side of his armor because I like drawing backs ;*** and then there's some Ashlyn and Cyrus!! Wonder what they've been up toooooo ;D ;D

INGRID is Ashlyn's housekeeper, but she's basically her mom. She's a lot older than I drew her here, but here's a more youthful looking Ingrid (;

And then we have Lizzie!! An old friend of Ashlyn when she belonged to the wrong crowd of people, and basically Lizzie and her boyfriend are murderers and play a pretty interesting role in the story. So yeah, here's Lizzie :B
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